
People are talking about Dino DiNicolo. Fans and press alike are raving about his recordings and live performances. Here are a few recent quotes to let you know what the world is saying…

“This is absolutely one of the most creative,musical,entertaining solo acts you will ever get to witness if you have not already I promise this . I do not want to give away too much , but everything you hear this night is done live and on the spot it is magical and real and totally unforgettable.”
-The Blue Martini, Vancouver, B.C.

“Incredible talent – There’s a line between musician and artist and he’s long since crossed over into artist territory. You can tell he really feels the music he’s created while most others simply play it. I certainly hope I can see him again!”
-Kate Down, Colleague Experience and Lifestyle Coordinator at Fairmont Chateau Whistler

“When I’m feeling like shit on a stick there’s something about your music that centres my soul.”
-Lorae McFarlen, Abbotsford Hospital Medical Imaging Clerk (retired), Mission,B.C.

“Witness Dino’s fire, and snazzy intensity! His bass-tastic performance makes some audiences so crazed they take their shirts off.”
-Elephant Ears Entertainment

“Last night we were once again treated to the magic of Dino DiNicolo — smooth, sexy, powerful and oh so unique bass playing combined with his internal didgeridoo and trumpet, beatboxing, tapping, etc! … If you’re in Vancouver, seeing this guy is a must….”
-Patrick Crossman, Web Designer

“We’ve reviewed this B.C. stalwart before, and it’s always cool to see an artist keep growing. Bass badass Dino DiNicolo continues to gain more control of his voice and his other voice, a five-string electric he plays like a low-pitched guitar, only with more percussive effects. His fourth CD is another spare affair, again self-produced, with DiNicolo front-and-centre throughout, aside from very occasional decorations. His skin-and-bones approach works especially well on the title cut, which finds his tenor range, which sometimes recalls Jim Morrison’s oddly impassioned drawl, dipping down into throat-singing territory. DiNicolo’s rather conventional pop-song conception, is reminiscent of Hall & Oates, sans harmonies and production values. There’s an inevitable Sting comparison in the reggaefied “All This World”, and “Man in the Moon” has a catchy Joe Jackson vibe. On the other hand, the spare funk of “Soul Sugar”, complete with oblique horn lines (courtesy of trumpeter Terry Keller and sax man Graham Howell), can never go out of fashion.”
-Ken Eisner, The Georgia Straight.

“How many things can you do with a five-string bass and a human voice? If you’re Dino DiNicolo the answer is an infinite amount. On the bass he runs the gamut from Jaco Pastorius-like harmonics to Victor Wooten-esque rhythmic slapping. As far as his voice goes, singing is merely the start. His beatboxing seems to include a full drum set. A host of other special effects seem to come from somewhere deep inside. And when he combines a bizarre vocal sound with an unusual bass pattern, the effect can be otherworldly. DiNicolo may look like a mild-mannered man, but he’s really a one-man heavy-metal jazz band.”
-Ron Netsky, Rochester City Newspaper

“It was Dino Dinicolo’s bold plan to create music solely with his bass and voice. The bass could be percussive, played on high strings or low, while the voice not only could sing in the conventional manner but could be aboriginal throat-singing, which functions almost like strings or keyboards. But, after three albums,…his new ‘Skin And Bones’ employs horns and additional percussion. He hasn’t thrown out the original plan but has added these for additional colour and expression. The album still uses bass as a springboard but the trumpet or sax are woven into the arrangements thoughtfully to expand the songs rather than to be merely decorous. As well, Dinicolo isn’t sticking to one idea. Reggae, blues, jazz, funk and African rhythm contribute to a varied album.”
-Tom Harrison, The Province

“Dino, you’re a world class monster.”
-Nimal, Falconetti’s East Side Grill

“I don’t even know how he’s making those noises right now.”
-Sam, The Morrissey

“Vancouver’s live music scene is filled with plenty of talented, up-and-coming acts, from hard rockers Black Mountain to indie favourites Hey Ocean. But one of the city’s greatest musical treasures has been at it for a while. And he seems to be getting better with age. Dino DiNicolo can probably claim the title of Vancouver’s funkiest man. He’s a bass player and usually performs solo, entertaining crowds in bars and clubs across the city with his bass-playing virtuosity. Now, I know what you’re thinking. “A whole night of bass solos? How fun can that be? That doesn’t sound like my thing.” But Dino is positively electric. You can’t help but watch this guy. The first time I saw him, he was performing in a tiny bar on Main Street. I wandered inside to find a crowd gathered around a lone man wearing a white suit in the corner. To say Dino was in the groove would be an understatement. His body contorted in time with the beat, neck arching and pelvis thrusting like he was in the throes of agony or ecstasy. And besides slapping out a groove on his bass, he was also pounding the rhythm with his foot on a special stomp box. Then, he began to sing. His voice is either haunting or just weird – but either way it gets under your skin. In this deep baritone, he started belting out the lyrics, bass pumping away all the time. Then, as the song built to a crescendo, he broke out his secret weapon: a whole array of crazy beatbox sound effects he makes with his voice, everything from percussive pops and hisses to electronic growls. By the end of the song, everyone in the bar was dancing. It was almost impossible not to – against your will, your body started moving.”
-Remy Scalza, Inside Vancouver

“DiNicolo has a few other talents hidden up his sleeve aside from his bass playing. He combines the Tuvan throat singing tradition from Mongolia with mouth percussion, stomp box and his bass to form catchy, jazz-infused songs, and it’s easy to see that he doesn’t hold anything back…what really sets DiNicolo apart is the gravelly throat singing he uses in his songs, borrowed from a long tradition practiced by ethnic Tuvans in parts of Mongolia and Russia.”
-Tessa Holloway, North Shore News.

“Gotta love this guy. Not only is he one of the nicest men I have met in quite sometime, he simply kicks ass on that bass!! Such amazing technique and subtlety, with a voice to match. His skill on that bass is second to none! His original style of music blend so well with his voice. He’s not just a pretty face people, don’t miss it.”
-Newton Enoch, SeaWest Entertainment

“Entertaining, Creative, Unique,… quality live performances…”
-Clara Carotenuto, QMFM 103.5 FM

“Soulful, Sophisticated, Romantic with rhythmic grooves and percussion only Dino can master. ‘I’ve Seen the Devil’ … each innovative track and leaves you singing them over and over after it has finished playing.”
-Leslie Knipe, Azure Hill Winery

“Undeniable talented singer-songwriter Dino DiNicolo, … as part of the upcoming Vancouver International Jazz Festival, takes the road much less travelled and walks it alone on his second album, ‘New Day Baby’. He plays all the music, meaning mostly an electric, five-string bass guitar, approached percussively…with the singer’s tenor working casually against descending bass lines…a couple of songs, like the incantory ‘Thirsty’, exhibit something like Caribbean soul. Ultimately, it’s hard to pin down this North Vancouver artist’s influences, or where his sound might sit in today’s musical megaverse. And sometimes that’s a good thing in itself.”
-Ken Eisner, The Georgia Straight.

“Dinicolo plays bass, but isn’t an ordinary bassist. He’s developed a singing and playing style that also is percussive and more kaleidoscopic than usually is associated with this instrument. He’s developed this style in the course of writing and recording two albums…Dinicolo’s second album (New Day Baby) featuring songs written around a bass technique…unique and is fascinating.”
-Tom Harrison, The Province

Yes, there’s a song on this self-released CD called ‘Beautiful’, but thank Christ it’s not a cover of that James Blunt atrocity so beloved of those with no imagination. Instead, this ‘Beautiful’ is a Dino DiNicolo original, with simple but apparently deeply felt lyrics about viewing the world around you as others see it. Like the rest of the songs on the disc, the track features DiNicolo’s vocals, his five-string bass-playing, his foot-stomping percussion, and nothing else.
…’Got the Job’, which starts off with some flamenco-style fretwork and then breaks down into Tuvan-flavoured throat singing before becoming a rapid-fire workshop in slapping funk.

…one thing’s for sure: he doesn’t sound like anyone else, either in Vancouver or anywhere else.”
-John Lucas, The Georgia Straight.

“Dino DiNicolo comes onstage with a five-string bass that, when combined with some percussive vocal effects, allows you to hear the entire arrangement of a song.”
-Tom Harrison, The Province

“…certainly one of the most skilled bassists you’ll ever hear, a gorgeous voice, unique style drawn from funk, soul, jazz, blues. Dino is a a remarkably talented composer. Don’t miss him..”
-Gerry Parsons, The Parsons Group

“…. You know your voice resonates within the souls of your audience, so does your smile. Both are gifts….”
-Robin Spencer, NY Fan.

“Dood! My girlfriend and I stumbled into Lloyd’s in Penn Yan on Friday night (October 09, 2009) looking to grab some eats and burn off some time. We had NO IDEA of the treat that awaited us there. Your groove is infectious my friend. I admire your originality a…nd mastery of your trade, but mostly the ease with which you pull it all off! I was hoping to tell you this on Friday, but we had to cut out early and get some zzz’s. Keep on keepin’ on Dino!”
-Tomas Flint, Penn Yan, NY.

“…. quite innovative and refreshing…”
-Ralph and Laura Johnstone, Helmusic Supplies, Saskatoon.

“Dino…I admire your mood, stamina, musicality and focus!”
-Melanie Dekker

“DiNicolo a.k.a. jam-master…primary instrument is bass, for which he as developed a unique, inventive style. ”
-Tom Harrison, The Province

“This guy is absolutely mind blowing. Talent on another level. If anyone ever has a chance to see him perform, do it. ”
-Rick Speke

“Greetings Dino:
I just wanted to drop you a quick note congratulating you on the most recent show this past Sunday at the Waterfront. It was really, simply put OUTSTANDING! Leslie (my wife) and I really enjoy your music. I was the tall crazed gent who came to you before the boys and you hit the stage inquiring about Live Dance and told you how much we enjoyed listening to your CD while we make our many drives to and fro the Finger Lakes Region. I am very sad to say we will miss your next couple of performances. We will try and keep up with your dates and where you are playing and hopefully everything in the Universe will line up that day and we can enjoy another performance. Maybe someday you’ll take a trip down to NYC or surrounding area if so you must let us know. We live just shy of hour East of NYC on Long Island.
Love the music keep playing all the best!”
-Joe Sheehy, a NY FAN

We recently hired Dino to play at a private birthday party in North Vancouver, and he did not disappoint. The energy and enthusiasm we have come to appreciate from Dino during his live shows at The Rusty Gull was delivered equally at our small gathering. We highly recommend Dino for any function as he will provide humour, energy and personality both on stage and off.
-Derek Dickson, North Vancouver, B.C.

Lucy (my parrot) and I were driving back to Lancaster from Corning last night. I was playing what I wanted to listen to and she did not like that at all! Not shrieking mind you, but making noises and wandering around her travel cage. I put you on and it was like heaven…she was quiet and stopped moving around. I never heard another peep out of her for the next 2 1/2 hours. She really loves you! :))
-Kathy Kelly, Lancaster, PA.
